Sunday, June 26, 2011

Comments / Reflections on Meeting with Site Superviser Regarding Intern Plan

     My superintendent was very gracious to spend an hour with me (after already spending close to 2 ½ hours with me during our interview session. I had emailed both my intern plan and my vita about a week before we met to discuss them. She went through my plan very thoughtfully, and was complimentary and encouraging regarding the activities I had chosen to do. She stated that they were all appropriate and valuable. She offered her assistance with anything I needed to carry out the activities. What I especially appreciated was her forthrightness and willingness to share her insights and thoughts on matters to which most are not privy. It was very generous of her to exhibit that level of trust with me.
     Dr. Hargrove was particularly interested in the activities that I will conduct  with curriculum and instruction, as well as the restructuring of our (high school) academic departments to encourage more cross-curricular teaming. We discussed that the expected outcome for these activities is to effectively transition into the STAAR/EOC assessment. In addition, the objective for these changes is to incorporate more progressive instructional techniques (such as project-based learning (PBL) that will focus on twenty-first century skills. She asked me to keep her abreast of my findings as I continue to collect data on the new implementations.
     One area of interest that I did not originally have on my intern plan is how the elementary students are identified for gifted/talented placement. In a conversation we had during our meeting, Dr. Hargrove mentioned concerns regarding the matrix our district currently uses for GT identification. As a result, I have added an evaluation of the matrix to my plan. I intend to do some scholarly research on the subject, as well as informally research what different assessments other elementary schools are using. I will report my findings to Dr. Hargrove. This may provide some benefit to the district, while I will certainly benefit from gaining insight to elementary assessment and curriculum. As a secondary educator, I look forward to this experience.

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