Sunday, January 22, 2012

Internship B - Part A

Self-assessment Reflection   
            Overall, I was surprised at how much I have learned during the previous five courses. I have had the added benefit of being concurrently enrolled in a doctoral program. Many of the competencies interfaced with my doctoral studies, such as courses in ethics, leadership, and adult learning. Much of what I learned in those courses complemented my learning in this program. The areas in which I feel less confident are the competencies that have to do with the political system and the maintenance and funding for the physical plant. I simply haven’t had enough hands-on experience to feel confident in leading in these areas. However, I feel that my strengths may be enough to compensate for my areas of weakness. I feel competent enough to get over the learning curve. I think I at least know enough to know which questions to ask, and whom to assist me in leading the way in those areas. My strengths were generally in the competencies in Domains I and II. Those are the areas in which I have the most working knowledge and hands-on experience.
Position Goal
            I am currently a high school assistant principal. My immediate goal is to become a campus principal. I would be happy to lead any level K – 12; however, I feel I am a better fit for a secondary campus. Ultimately, I may pursue a central office position, probably in an area of curriculum and instruction, such as a curriculum director, or some other position that involves student services. Currently, I am not certain I want to pursue a superintendent position in the future. However, I feel the knowledge and perspective gained from acquiring a superintendent certification equips me to be better prepared as a campus and district administrator. I feel it is advantageous to hold a campus principal position prior to moving to the central office level, as it provides further perspective before transitioning to a central office administrative position. Though I believe I am prepared for a central office directorship specifically in the area of curriculum and instruction, prior to considering pursuing a superintendent position, it would be most beneficial to first be a campus principal.
Leadership Goal
            I enjoy my current position as an assistant principal because it is very satisfying to be engaged with the students of my campus. I also enjoy my leadership role in facilitating my faculty to be the very best teachers they can be. I look forward to being a principal of a campus for the same reasons. Since the principal has an even stronger impact on teacher efficacy, I am interested in serving in that capacity. I believe that education is currently at a crossroads. Education is changing very rapidly due to many influencing factors. The political and social climate is effecting major changes in education. In addition, technology is impacting education at an incredible rate. It is a challenging and exciting time to be an educational leader. It is my hope that I can continue to learn and adapt to these changes and utilize my skills to facilitate other educators to adapt.
            Being an educator is my calling – my mission. I enrolled in the superintendent certification program to expand my understanding of the big picture. I feel I have benefited greatly in this endeavor. The opportunities to discuss issues and practices with my superintendent, and other district leaders, have been enlightening. In addition, the discussions with my cohorts and the reflections they shared have also been invaluable in gaining perspective and broadening my knowledge of best practices. It is important to me on a personal level that I continue to grow and learn as an educator, as without continuous growth I will not be relevant as a leader.